
Water and wastewater costs along with sustainability regulations make water use efficiency in the Pharmaceutical industry a must.  Having a continuous supply of high quality water is essential, something we understand.

Elgressy’ systems provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for the following applications in the Pharmaceutical industry: 

Wastewater treatment – EEC/EEO:

Elgressy designs and manufactures electrocoagulation and
electro-oxidation systems for pre and primary treatments for all types of
Pharmaceutical wastewater.


Cooling Tower treatment – EST:

EST provides a comprehensive and effective solution to the problems
associated with cooling towers, namely scale, corrosion and


Corrosion Prevention – ECP:

ECP is an effective and innovative electrolysis technology developed to protect the inner surfaces of hot and cold-water pipes and tanks against corrosion and scale.


Minimizing risk of Legionella Pneumophila – LPB:

ECP is an effective and innovative electrolysis technology developed to protect the inner surfaces of hot and cold-water pipes and tanks against corrosion and scale.
